I love this fashion on girls. I have gone out a few times in leggins and ballet flats to the mall, and have gotten a few compliments. Girls is this ok for a guy to wear? I think it is
Leggings and ballet flats?performing art center
Don't listen to everyone, if you wanna dress up in girls clothes then go for it. But don't do it going out looking like a guy, your just asking for trouble!! It's a shame people aren't more open because it is just items of clothing. For your own safety, at least make the effort to dress totally like a girl! Otherwise, go with what makes YOU happy
Leggings and ballet flats?theatre tickets opera theater
my brother thinks flats look stupid in general in public. I don't know, he's 13.
don't think so....maybe the ppl thought you were a girl..lol...sry can't imagine a guy in leggings...excuse me while I crack up....sorry, no offense, just where w/e you want =P
AHHHH! Are you insane??!
where is the nearest fashion rehab near you? you need a checkup...A S A P.
im sorry, its just unless your like 10100% gay, then go ahead! Defy the rules of the fashion laws. But umm, i think those "compliments" were something other than nice comments. more like laughing behind your back.
its totally ok with girls, but lets just stick with that, shall we?
dude its cool for you to be gay but please dont be a drag queen
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