Thursday, December 10, 2009

Where can I find great ballet flats similar to those at J.Crew?

i wear ballet flats every day and i especially love the ones at j.crew. i'm a classic prep so i like their flats with great, fun, preppy patterns and preppy colors. unfortunately, all the ones i like are $118 each and since i'm a shopoholic and need money to spend elsewhere, like at J.Crew on clothes, i can't quite afford that pricepoint. where else might i be able to find ballet flats similar to those at but at a more affordable price?

Where can I find great ballet flats similar to those at J.Crew?classical music


Where can I find great ballet flats similar to those at J.Crew?ms stress opera theater

payless honey that place will save u a million ull get like the same lookin shoes 4 a cheaper price
Do you want Actual ballet shoes?

Cause I'm a ballet dancer, and I'd recommend...

If not sorry, ballet is kinda my obsession.

I love ballet what song should i use?

ballet is my passion and i want to get better at it so i need your help

I love ballet what song should i use?performing arts

Use something by Tchaikovsky. You need to use music that you can count to which is so important in Ballet. Tchaikovsky wrote music especially for Ballet so that the dancers can hear the tempo and the counts.

I love ballet what song should i use?binoculars opera theater

Apoligize by timberland fet. One Republic

Or a song from the nutcracker or swan lake
Gone - NSYNC

I know it sounds bad, but it is pretty good.
It depends on what style of ballet that you are doing. Im assuming that your doing the traditional classical ballet. Try some of the Lord of the Rings songs, especially the one's performed by Enya. They are beautiful and it's something different from the very cliche nutcracker. Also the "Narnia" sonundtrack is beautiful.

check out some of these songs:

"May It Be"

Composed %26amp; Performed by Enya


Composed %26amp; Performed by Enya

"Into the West"

Words %26amp; Music by Howard Shore, Fran Walsh, Annie Lennox

Performed by Annie Lennox


Music by Howard Shore

Lyrics by Fran Walsh

Performed by Isabel Bayrakdarian, soprano

"Breath of Life"

Music by Howard Shore

Lyrics by Fran Walsh

Performed by Sheila Chandra

"Farewell to Lorien"

(from extended version)

Music by Howard Shore

Lyrics by Fran Walsh

Performed by Hilary Summers

Also check out for a list of popular ballet songs. To find the songs listed try ""

Do your ballet flats hurt like mine? How do I stop the hurt?

For my birthday, which was 2 weeks ago, I got cute black and white floral ballet flats. I love them, they are the cutest. But after I wore them to school for a day I realized it hurt my ankles and I had blisters. I tried wearing these thin panty sort of things but it kept on hurting. How do I get them to stop hurting?

Do your ballet flats hurt like mine? How do I stop the hurt?symphony

Mine hurt me too when I first wore them. What I do to keep them from hurting me is I wear skin tone colored band-aids in the places where they hurt. The trick is to put them in spots where they don't stick out and ruin the whole outfit, but at the same time put them is a place where they will protect you from the shoes. Trust me this trick works every time!

In my ballet class we were working on battement d茅gag茅 and I constatly heard popping from my hip.?

I'm a newby at ballet. Is this a normal thing that will go away after lots of practice and stretching or could something be wrong with my hip?

It only occured on my left hip. I haven't had any physical problems previously.

In my ballet class we were working on battement d茅gag茅 and I constatly heard popping from my hip.?performing show

Hhhmm. That's weird. The best idea would be to talk to your teacher, but also one of the most important things is to keep your hips square(don't move them around). When your leg goes front, you should feel like your thigh bone is in the back of the hip socket, I'm not really sure how to explain. To get rid of the popping, you could also try holding your knee to the side and pulling it towards your shoulders, keeping your turnout(aka not sticking your butt out). Hope this helps!

In my ballet class we were working on battement d茅gag茅 and I constatly heard popping from my hip.?opera score opera theater

I know exactly what you mean. It feels like some kind of tendon or ligament moving around, right?

I had this problem when I started doing ballet. Make sure you use the muscles on the back of your leg to do battements, not just your quads. Also, work on stretching to improve your turnout; it'll loosen things up a little more. Hope this helps!
I pop a lot during warm up to. I think its normal. It hasn't bothered me. I think it feels good. It kind of feels like my joints are tight before they pop. I think its normal though.
Well I have bad hips so both of my hips pop all the time and hurt really bad,But i know those who dont have bad hips in my classes and theirs pop too the teacher said it was normal.
It could be that or you could be doing the step wrong. After one of your classes, go to your teacher and tell her what happened. Ask her if you can demonstrate the step for her. If you do something wrong, she will tell you what you are doing wrong.

Does anyone know of a ballet school Near burnsville mn?

A ballet school that will teach beginners in ballet that are 17. :) an older "adult" beginner class.

I dont seek to make it a career, I just want to learn it, and one day progress to pointe.

Does anyone know of a ballet school Near burnsville mn?comedy show

sorry, i dont know, chech ur local directories/ ask around

What color ballet tights should a guy wear?

we don't have a specific dress code on tights colors so i was just wondering what color would work the best for a guy in ballet

What color ballet tights should a guy wear?events

Probably black i would say. I'm a ballerina and i think it looks best when guys wear black tights.

What color ballet tights should a guy wear?home theatre opera theater

probably black so you can't see as much.. =)

Or white.

I've seen guys with white.
black, the white could be see gross.
black or white
God with black, they are the most versitile.

and only black.
Leopard print

I would guess black
definetly black

good luck
well whatever matches your outfit most guys look best in black,white,navy blue, gray, or any other colors but trust me wear white or black more black looks better with like a white t-shirt

Grade 5 Ballet Exam!?

i was wondering if anyone could send me a link to a website with the excersises for the grade 5 ballet exam. My exam is tomorrow and i NEED TO STUDY. i would greatly apprecitate anyone who could help =)

-danzcinqueen108 %26lt;3

Grade 5 Ballet Exam!?say yes

try this its what i used

it really good and im sure youll be fine just streach before the exam and you will definatly pass!

good luck

Grade 5 Ballet Exam!?palace theatre opera theater

good luck to you!!!!!!!
I have found somthing for you im not sure if its what you want but i tryed
Just practice like the instructor taught you!

Don't worry the day before my grade 5 exam i was super worried too!!! JUst remember to smile, don't talk at all with your friends during the exam and make sure your quick on putting your caracter shoes, and when your doing your caracter dance put a lot of attitude !!!!!!!

Good Luck!!!!!!! ;D
it depends what school you go to as to what syllabus (and therefore excersises) you need.
