where can i find some ballet moves which are from the internet but i do not need to pay or download anything, i'd like to learn some ballet moves to a song but can't find anything
Where can i find some ballet moves ?home theater system
You don't just need to use the Internet, you can watch movies with Ballet in them and use some of those moves. There are also many Ballet instruction videos available to teach you. some places you can find them is on Discount Dance Supplies.com and Dance Distributors.com.
Where can i find some ballet moves ?the grand theater opera theater
maybe youtube.....
the only real way to learn ballet properly is to take a class instructed by a trained and proffesional ballet teacher. you may find free videos on the internet to mimic but you will have no clue what your doing, what any of it is called, and you'll have no one to tell you if your doing it right. if you don't want to pay for classes maybe you have some friends that do ballet that could help you out. =)
If you are just interested in knowing a few things, check out www.abt.org but if you really want to know ballet you should really take class!!
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