how many hours do students dance(maximum-minimum) for each class? plus rehearsal? how they learn general education? and about their weight? if anybody have experienced Sanf Francisco ballet school's life please share with me, i'm really intrested in that school.
San francisco ballet school?ballet
You know I haven't been to the school personally, however I did just read a book, an autobiography of a dancer that went to the San Francisco Ballet for most of her training, parts of the book are quite strange, however the insight that it gave me into the professional dancing world, especially that of the San Francisco ballet as well as companies in New York and the like was unparalleled. I would encourage you to read it, it's called " The Unmaking of a Dancer" By Joan Brady. It does skip around a little bit, but the general information in the book is good. As far as what I know personally about the school ( I live a couple hours away so I come into contact with dancers frequently who used to dance there or still do) and they tell me that the training there is very rigorous. You'll be dancing a lot, they expect a lot of you, however it really depends on what your going for, are you a guy or a girl? ( that makes a HUGE difference as men are in MUCH higher demand than women, and you are much more likely to get a job!) are you wanting to be professional and move on to the company or just doing it for fun and discipline? All these things are a factor, as are your height, weight, age and overall technique. It is a very hard school to get into so be sure to do all your research. Ballet is a tough world, so don't feel bad if you are rejected, everyone gets rejected hundreds of times in this industry before they finally get accepted, there are of course the lucky few who get in right away, but there are so many people trying to get in to these places that there is a lot of competition. Just remember that your best resource is the school itself, call the registrar and ask them what the Director is looking for, they usually can be a lot of help. I hope I was of some help to you ; ) Good Luck and Happy dancing!!!! Never give up!
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